Texas Field and Yew Hill Butterfly Reserve, Asset of Community Value.

Nominating an Asset of Community Value (ACV)

Texas Field and Yew Hill Butterfly Reserve Survey 2023

Oliver’s Battery Parish Council needs to re-nominate Texas Field and Yew Hill Butterfly Reserve as an Asset of Community Valve (ACV), as the previous determination only lasts for 5 years.

The key to success is providing as much relevant supporting evidence as possible.  It would be a great help if you would answer as many of the following questions as you can based on your own knowledge and experience:

NB some of the wording is quite formal but these are the questions they need answering when making a decision.

If you have any photos (including aerial photos), especially across the field, demonstrating current usage, or usage over the past five years, please can you also email these to Cllr Leach at constance@leach154.plus.com.

The link to the questions may be found here for you to download and complete.