Official Footpaths and Bridleways

Official Footpaths and Bridleways

Our Parish includes the following footpaths:

  • 6 (Bridleway) – From Millers Lane (Old Kennels Lane Corner) to Hurdle Way along the western edge of the Yew Hill Butterfly Area.
  • 7 (Footpath) – from the bridge over Badger Farm Road along the Texas Drive Fields  to Millers Lane.
  • 9 (Bridleway) – from the entrance to the Recreation Ground along the Eastern edge of the Texas Drive Fields to Bridleway 8 (NB Bridleway 8 which connects to Yew Hill Butterfly Area is in Compton and Shawford Parish).
  • 501 (Footpath) – Texas Fields to Broad View Lane and Golf Course footpath (2 distinct segments)
  • 502
  • 503
  • 504
  • 505
  • 506.

Below a detail of the “definitive map of public rights of way 2010 (Hampshire County Council)”. By clicking on the picture you can get the document (pdf format).


PLEASE NOTE: A hard copy of the above map can be provided to anyone living in the parish who is unable for reasons of disability to access it in this format.

Please contact the Clerk.